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  • WartburgCollegeWindEnsemble

Day 6: Events of the Day

Today has been a wonderful day 6 of tour! We first went to the Clear Lake Middle and High School. We enjoyed an amazing clinic with the 6th graders. They were all so excited to see us and loved when us Wartburgers played amongst them. We definitely made an impact on them that they will remember for at least the remainder of the school year!

Holly, their band director, was very gracious for hosting us, and even directed one of our pieces during our concert, Semper Fidelis. As well as playing through some of the 6th grader’s pieces, we had a scale challenge to see who could play their scale the fastest. Everybody played very well, and we all cheered for each other, even when we missed notes.

After that adventure, we went to the Clear Lake Surf Ballroom (which is rich in its musical history, and is quite the honor to be able to play at) and rehearsed for a little bit before having supper at David and Gretchen’s church (two members of the band who are from here)! For more information on the Ballroom, you can refer to the previous post.

As a senior, I had the senior devotion for tonight, and conducted Nearer My God to Thee, while Leah Morrison (another senior) conducted the Lord Bless You and Keep You. It was amazing getting to conduct the Wind Ensemble, and I will forever cherish it in my memory. I truly cannot put into words how inspiring it was getting to see everybody’s faces. It was almost magical.

Seeing everybody in the crowd supporting us, and all of us supporting each other was definitely the highlight of the day. The crowds were wildly enthusiastic, which was perfect, as it brought more energy towards us for playing our concert. I cannot wait to see what tomorrow brings!

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